Sunday, July 12, 2015

A new DEUS EX novel!

The biggest geekathon on the planet took place over the weekend at San Diego Comic Con, and many cool things were revealed there; among them was this:

And indeed it is so. I've been writing for the Deus Ex franchise since 2008, with my work on the Human Revolution videogame, the Icarus Effect novel, The Fall for mobile platforms, the Fallen Angel novella (still available for free right Here) and most recently the forthcoming Mankind Divided game. 

Those are going to be joined by a new full-length novel I'm writing - the working title is Black Light - that will take the character of Adam Jensen from the explosive ending of Human Revolution and into the narrative of Mankind Divided two years later.

Familiar faces will return, new mysteries will be revealed, and more - look for the book next year around the same time as the release for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and keep an eye on this blog for more details in the coming months...


  1. I'm so psyched for this! I loved "the Icarus Effect" and I can't wait for more from you!
    BTW, are we ever going to see a continuation to the stories of Ben Saxon and Agent Kelso? They're such great characters!

  2. I would like to see HR from Malik's POV, or if she is alive, what has happened to her in-between the two games.
